Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Creationists vs. Evolutionists

What frustrates me about evolutionists, is that they assume all creationists just blindly believe what they were told by their parents and Sunday school teachers without thinking about it at all. They just cannot comprehend an intelligent person, who was taught evolution in school, creation at church, and then spent 20+ years thinking over the two options. 

After lots and lots of study and reading on the subjects, I came to the conclusion that evolution has too many holes to be believed. I am not stupid or ignorant, as so many intolerant evolutionists claim. I am perfectly capable of understanding the science of evolution, I’m just not buying into it without questioning it. 

It seems to me that anyone, no matter what they believe, who believes something without any thought or consideration, is the ignorant one.

Top ten myths of evolution:
1) Computer Simulations Prove Evolution
2) Homologous (Similar) Structures Show Past Evolution
3) There Are Clear Transitional Fossils
4) Ape-Human DNA Similarities prove a link (we share half our DNA with bananas does that make us bananas?)
5) Artistically crafted museum exhibits reflect actual findings of transitions
6) Bad design proves evolution
7) Vestigial Organs proves evolution
8) Antibiotic Resistance is evolution in action
9) Natural Selection Is Evolution in Action
10) All Scientists Agree that evolution is a fact